Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gluten? What's gluten?

I might have heard the word "gluten" at some point in my life, but apparently it didn't leave an impression on me. When I found out I was gluten intolerant, it suddenly became a word that I use at least once a day, either out loud or in my head.

Here's a quick definition of Celiac Disease from a typical Google search:
Celiac disease: A disorder resulting from an immune reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat and related grains, and present in many foods. Celiac disease causes impaired absorption and digestion of nutrients through the small intestine. Symptoms include frequent diarrhea and weight loss. A skin condition dermatitis herpetiformis can be associated with celiac disease. The most accurate test for celiac disease is a biopsy of the involved small bowel. Treatment is to avoid gluten in the diet.

That barely covers it. There is such a wide range of symptoms and medical problems from mild to serious that it boggles the mind. From what I've heard and read, most people are diagnosed after suffering for up to a decade or more of symptoms that do not seem to relate to a particular disease or serious health problem.

If I only had a hundred dollars for every time a doctor said "that's just how you were made" or "we tested you for _____, but it came back negative." Kind of surprising that a disease which is estimated to affect 1 in every 133 people is not considered a possibility more often.

Celiac Disease and Going Gluten Free

I decided to start this blog because I got so much reassurance and valuable information from other blogs when I found out I had Celiac Disease. I've collected and written recipes and found links to all sorts of medical, diet, and other info over the past 8 months.

If anyone is interested and wants to share information, I know a lot of people will appreciate it. Otherwise, I'll just post some of my experiences and great ways I found to deal with going gluten free on here instead of letting it all just sit in text files on my computer. Why not put it somewhere other people can benefit from it?